“Pay Attention To Detail”: Harshal Goel, Founder & CEO, The Trost
- Sharmila Chand
- Feb 04, 2022

Goel was pursuing his under-graduation at City University in London. In London,
young Harshal, an avid reader, happened to come across a research study on
medical benefits of cannabis. This study aroused his interest in the subject. A
few months later, in 2017, Switzerland legalised low-THC cannabis – which
contains lower psychoactive compounds – for medicinal use.
graduating in Business Management from City University, Mr Goel went to
Switzerland, excited about the new developments centred on cannabis unfolding
in the Alpine country. He completed Business Administration Programme at Swiss
Business School in Zurich. Along with the course, Mr Goel did extensive
research on cannabis, studied the legal infrastructure of selling
cannabis-based products in Switzerland and also explored the business
opportunities related to the much-maligned substance that was being used in
chocolates, creams, gummies and cigarettes.
afterwards, Mr Goel worked extensively with Medropharm and Koch & Gsell to
develop the first-of-its-kind, hemp-based products for the Swiss market. Later,
he floated his own business and launched his own brand of cannabis-based
cigarettes in Switzerland. The herbal hemp cigarettes became an instant hit.
Within three months of the launch, the young entrepreneur sold out his entire
stock and was flooded with pre-orders starting to come in for the next batch of
this time in 2020, Mr Goel turned his attention to India and decided to benefit
from the budding hemp market in India. Thus was born The Trost, a New
Delhi-headquartered company, selling products made out of hemp extract, in
2020. The Trost is the only brand in India with a proprietary Ayurvedic Dhoom
Dandika (smoke therapy) licence, reveals Mr Goel, who is the founder and CEO of
The Trost. He hastens to add that it is not the same as recreational cannabis.
one of the four Vedas, deals in detail on the art, craft and science of
Ayurveda in its texts and also recognises the cannabis plant as one of the five
sacred plants. Used by sages since time immemorial as an expedient into higher
consciousness, the Indian hemp (cannabis sativa) has been a source of oil and medicine.
It is highly nutritious and is a hormone balancer with therapeutic, appetising,
analgesic, aphrodisiacal and many more qualities, notes Mr Goel.
Trost aims to break the taboo around a sacred plant like Cannabis, even though
it has widely been used across the world for decades. Since it is rarely
ethically sourced, Mr Goel aspires to change that perception and create a
platform that makes the benefits of cannabis easily accessible for everyone
looking to use the plant for its therapeutic, nutritional and medical
Trost translates into solace in German, and Mr Goel wants his brand to provide
that much-needed solace to harried people of this modern world. Brand Trost is
available in three categories – hemp nutrition; cannabis leaf extract (CBD);
and India’s first cannabis smokable sticks, Trost Rollens based on the Dhoom
an interesting conversation with Sharmila
Chand, Mr Goel – who also has a certification in Strategic Management from
Harvard University – talks about the way in which he forayed into this
cannabis-based venture and the future prospects of the business. He also
explains the management principles and practices that have brought him success
in his business within a very short span of time.
What are your five management mantras?
Attention to detail: I believe that
paying attention to all the minute details is one of the important tasks in any
business, especially if you’re running it. This way nothing gets missed, and
everything is approved by you beforehand itself.
Punctuality: Being on time,
setting deadlines for yourself as well as your employees and following them are
extremely important for everyone involved in business. This not only helps in
increasing discipline but ensures that all tasks are run smoothly and in a
smart manner.
Delegation: Running a
business is a difficult task, but even more difficult is delegating your
responsibilities among your employees. However, it is important to understand
that delegation of tasks allows the said tasks to be worked upon properly,
without haste and ensures a smooth business operation.
Problem-solving: As a business
owner, it is essential for us to have proper problem-solving skills – be they
problems among employees, problems with customers or even with clients. All
problems require quick and effective solutions, and that is why it is important
for every entrepreneur to have good problem-solving skills.
Effective communication: Lastly,
effective communication is the key to running any business operation. It would
be impossible to make a business a successful enterprise without proper
communication channels with all employees, customers and business heads.
Do you play any game which helps you in
your work?
play Squash and Golf on a regular basis. Squash is a high-intensity and
high-adrenaline sport. In the same way that one anticipates and prepares for
the opponent’s next move, one must continue to anticipate and prepare for the
next steps. Golf has helped me improve my accuracy in both my professional and
personal lives.
What is the turning point in your career
my under-graduation in London, I came across a research study about Cannabis’ medical
benefits. Stemming from the curiosity to understand the plant in detail, I
found myself on a trip to Switzerland which at that time had just legalised the
use of medical cannabis with high CBD content. There, I learnt in detail about
the plant, the need to harness the medicinal properties of the plant and
developed a business around it in Switzerland.
What is the secret of your success?
work, resilience and consistency
What is your philosophy of work?
seldom like doing things which we are unfamiliar with. Being an avid reader, I
like to take each opportunity to venture into unknown territories with a motive
to learn and acquire new skills.
Is there any particular person who has
inspired you and whom you admire?
look up to my father who is extremely dedicated to and passionate about his
work. Observing him in action has motivated me to set lofty objectives and work
towards them.
What is the best advice that you have got?
in the moment always.
What are your favourite books and why?
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel
Kahneman – the book is on behavioural psychology and decision-making. It forces
one to adapt to different rational means of solving problems.
What is your fitness regime?
hit the gym a few times a week, along with playing Squash. Maintaining a
healthy diet is equally important to keep one fit.
What message on management would you like to convey to youngsters?
Simple and precise communication goes a long way as a leadership and management skill.
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