SPIRITUAL CORNER - The Reality Of This World
- Dada Bhagwan Foundation
- Dec 14, 2022

Dadashri: The
world is the puzzle itself. Christians, Muslims and Hindus all say that God is
the creator of this world. They are correct by their viewpoints but incorrect
in fact. If you want to know the facts, you will have to come to ‘us’. ‘We’
give you assurance and a guarantee that no one has created this world.
is no one up there in the sky or the heavens, running this world. Only ‘We’
(the Gnani and the fully-enlightened
Lord within) know how this world runs and who runs it. There is not a single parmanu (sub-atomic particle that cannot
be further divided) in this universe that ‘We’ have not traversed through and
experienced. From the vantage of both in and out of this universe, ‘We’ can
tell you from all the viewpoints and perspectives, that there is no one up
there running everything. ‘We’ will tell you how this world runs in one simple
sentence. Later you may understand it in complete details. This world is run by
only scientific circumstantial evidences; no individual entity is running it.
Everyone and everything is merely instrumental in the process of its
functioning; no one or thing controls it independently. Furthermore, God can
never be the doer of anything. If God were the doer, then He would bind karma and therefore He would have to
suffer the consequences of those karmas.
If God too is subject to bondage of karma,
then how can we call him God? Then what difference would there be between you
and God?
you hear is nothing but humbug! People act according to their own
understanding. People think that there are no consequences for their actions,
and so they continue with lies at will. This world is not haphazard by any
means; the world is a fact, but it is a relative fact, and the Self is the real
fact. When the Gnani Purush places
you in the real fact, then it becomes your abode of freedom (muktidham).
believe that this world is without any basis; they think they can enjoy
themselves in any way they want and that no authority is going to question
them. The fools! This world is not like that. ‘You are whole and sole
responsible for yourself.’ You carry the burden of your previous life and
responsibility of your future life. Make sure that you do not make even the
slightest mistake. God does not interfere in this at all. Will you not have to
understand this world? How long can you go on living and perpetuating this
falsehood? Will you not have to solve this puzzle? How long will you go on
being trapped in this entanglement?
Only Solution To
Solve The Worldly Puzzle
world is the puzzle itself. There are two viewpoints to solve this puzzle: one
is a relative viewpoint, and the other is a real viewpoint. By relative
viewpoint, you are Chandulal, and by real viewpoint you are a pure Soul (Shuddhatma). All your puzzles will be
solved if you look at the world with these two viewpoints. This verily is the
divine vision (divyachakshu). But you
will not gain anything until Gnani Purush
destroys the sins of your countless previous lives and gives you realisation of
your real Self. Nothing can be attained without a living manifest enlightened
being (pratyaksh pragat purush).
P.S.: When Dadashri says ‘We’, He is referring to the Gnani Purush and the fully-enlightened Lord within Him.
To know more about Dadashri’s Spiritual Science, visit www.dadabhagwan.org
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